香格里拉銘匯珠寶於1990年創立於台北,擁有全台灣獨特的一線手工繪圖設計珠寶品牌,與眾不同的產品精工皆來自品牌創辦者JR Yuan Chang的巧思,針對特殊需求客層客製化設計,美學融入生活。
108年度 台北市金銀珠寶商業同業公會(TJA) 會員
No 0366 優良柏金認證
109年度 台北市金銀珠寶商業同業公會(TJA) 會員
多年來,香格里拉銘匯珠寶秉持著卓越品牌精神,為您購入的珠寶擁有自己的家的售後服務,堅持 "品牌永續經營,做好而非做大"的理念,建立在台灣獨樹一幟的好口碑。
In 1990 JR Yuan Chang and Ms. Liu founded their brand in Taipei City, Taiwan. More than 30 years of rich experience in jewelry design and customized jewel design. The kind of high-quality pieces that keep people coming back again and again.
JR Yuan Chang felt big passion for jewelry design since very young and began to develop different concepts of jewelry design. Meanwhile, founders hope that every visitor who enters the 30-year-old classic jewelry gallery can truly integrate the aesthetics of each design into their own life.