GarField Photography

GarField Photography

您好,我是 婚禮攝影師/加飛 我的工作是在婚禮上為您記錄下每一個值得紀念的時刻 每一場婚禮上,美麗的禮服會換裝、難得相聚的朋友會散場、香醇的美酒會見底…記憶會逐漸的模糊 透過鏡頭按下的每一次快門,將會為您保存當下的感動與歡樂 希望有幸能為您記錄下這美好的一天 我是婚禮攝影師 加飛 GarField Lin 2017年,加飛 通過國際婚禮攝影師協會(WPJA)之入會審核 代表我們具有穩定在各種情境下為您記錄每一個值得留下的畫面 可以放心的將這一天交給我們 Hello,I'M Garfield Lin. Freezing every treasure moment is my only task. Beautiful dresses, nice wine with lovely people are the most precious part of a wedding. But once it become memories, even precious ones, may fade as time goes by. Pressing the shutter, the moment last forever. I am photographer Garfield Lin. Enjoy your wedding, And I hope to have the opportunity to record the wonderful moment with you. Current position: Member of Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA) Since 2017.09